Sunday, January 22, 2012

A message from life's better parts

“The myths show that when the relative superiority of one value over the other gives way to an absolute superiority, this means the end of society.” (Jan Pouwer 1992)

This quote is a good place to start as it says it all. As is often the way, some of life’s most precious insights are to be found in myth-narratives (despite the attempts of others to rewrite life’s rules to comply with narrow ambitions).

How much of history - and of present day events - can be explained by the process the myths make clear?

While I am not a modern anthropologist I approach my work from an intellectual background which was informed, in part, by the findings of modern anthropology.

It is appropriate to begin with this comment by the late Jan Pouwer on Professor Josephus Platenkamp’s paper (in Moyer and Claessen (eds) 1988 “Time past, time present, time future: essays in honour of P.E. de Josselin de Jong. Pouwer’s comment in “Fizzy: Fuzzy: FAS? A review of Leiden labour” Canberra Anthropology 15(1) 1992:87-105.))

Basically, I read that comment about the shift from relative to absolute superiority in relation to a transformation of life s lived which moves from having two complementary opposite parts of life (in dynamic balance) to systems which have one part ‘on top’ and the other parts ‘under’. From ‘horizontal’ arrangements to ‘vertical’ arrangements. Or, we can say, from earthed to unearthed Ways of Being.

The former are typified as ‘moieties’ by anthropologists, and the later cover a wide range of social and power formations in which there is an “upper” class or elite of some sort.

Jan Pouwer was my anthropological mentor, and it was his work on complementary opposition which has influenced my views over the years. It is hard to find anything he published on this theme, but it was constantly present in his lectures in New Zealand 1968-1976.

The late Claude Levi-Strauss thought that the emphasis of the Leiden school on dual organisation was a result of the area of study (or FAS – Field of Anthropological Study) they had access to as a result of the former Dutch empire in what is presently Indonesia.

Levi-Strauss himself, as the pre-eminent representative of modern anthropology, does not appear to place the same importance dual organisation as either indigenous peoples or those with close working relationships with them.

(See Jarich Oosten “A privileged field of study” 2006:para 18. See also Levi-Strass vis-à-vis Mayberry Lewis in the final chapter of Levi-Strauss 1995 “The Story of Lynx.”)

Irrespective of academic debates, the ‘field of study’ in the modern nation-state of Indonesia (which mapped its self-image onto the former Dutch colony) requires attention to be paid to the position of indigenous people in Papua.

Pouwer, working in New Guinea when it was under Dutch administration, found that the principle of reciprocity was a key feature of their ways of life. There is a consistent message from Papuan peoples that this is missing in the relationship imposed upon them from those who operate in the name of the modern nation-state of Indonesia.

For those of us who see the challenge as being one of reforming life (and not one of having an academic career) we have to look for ways of returning some of life’s wisdom back into our thinking and into our practices – rather than following European master narratives.

My position is also informed by my understanding of the situation of Australia’s First Peoples as captives of the modern Anglo-Australian nation-state.

Quite clearly, in the present Australian situation one part of life (Anglo-Australia) believes it occupies a completely superior position over that of the original First Peoples.

Instead of balanced exchange relationships within the whole of life – as is the case with Australia’s First Peoples – with the arrival of dominating Europeans, believing they are born to rule in Australia, genuine social life has “ended” for the original Australians.

Absolutely superiority is presumed to be found only with introduced British cultural forms.

The 1901 Anglo-Australian Constitution (which began life as a British Act of Parliament) does not recognise Australia’s First Peoples as First Peoples, and does not acknowledge the place of their cultural practices in “Australian” social and ecological formations.

This is not past tense. In the 2012 report of Expert Panel on the recognition of indigenous Australians in the Constitution, for example, one of the recommendations is:

Executive summary
Recommendations for changes to the Constitution
The Panel recommends:


5 That a new ‘section 127A’ be inserted, along the following lines:
Section 127A Recognition of languages
(1) The national language of the Commonwealth of Australia is English.
(2) The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages are the original Australian languages, a part of our national heritage.

A long campaign for the recognition of Australia’s First Peoples in the Anglo-Australian Constitution has produced a recommendation English be the only national language enshrined in the Constitution! The voices of those who speak the original languages of this country are missing from this debate. Rebalancing life has a long way to go in Australia.

The experts also found that the question of indigenous sovereignty was not to be included:

“The question of sovereignty

At consultations and in submissions to the Panel, there were numerous calls for a reappraisal of currently accepted perceptions of the historical relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians from the time of European settlement. Chapter 9 discusses one of the significant issues to have emerged during the consultation process: the aspiration of some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for recognition of their sovereign status.

The Panel has concluded that any proposal relating to constitutional recognition of the sovereign status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples would be highly contested by many Australians, and likely to jeopardise broad public support for the Panel’s recommendations. Such a proposal would not therefore satisfy at least two of the Panel’s principles for assessment of proposals, namely ‘contribute to a more unified and reconciled nation’, and ‘be capable of being supported by an overwhelming majority of Australians from across the political and social spectrums’. While questions relating to sovereignty are likely to continue to be the subject of debate in the community, including among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the Panel does not consider that these questions can be resolved or advanced at this time by inclusion in a constitutional referendum proposal.”

There is a notion of 'the thief's script' which has been applied to Middle East affairs. The Expert Panel has pre-empted Consitutional debate about indigenous sovereignty in order to comply with the Australian version of this script - in which an entire continent has been expropriated from the original peoples.

The surviving sovereignty of First Peoples is to be sacrificed in order to uphold the notion of a single and superior Anglo-speaking modern nation-state. Ethnocide is considered ‘normal’ in modern Australia.

European notions of sovereignty draw heavily on a one-sided and jealous notion in which only one sovereign is possible. All power is at a king of supreme apex – absolute and dominant. However, in the 21st century we can take stock of the planetary havoc wrought on life by this temporary fashion, and look for healing solutions – such as co-existing forms of sovereighty.

By looking at other forms of reason – those which have guided life outside of Europe to better balanced outcomes – we can begin to conceive of power sharing relationships based on ‘horizontal’ complementary oppositions rather exclusive ‘vertical’ hierarchies.

Based on relating rather than manipulation and control. Such is our healing challenge.

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