Friday, August 7, 2009

Brand Nu Way

As the world learns important lessons from the excesses of the present dominant paradigm – that which emerged from an alliance of capitalism and the modern nation-state – we begin to look around to see what alternatives there may be for the twin task of:


  1. repairing the damage caused by modern excesses
  2. Repositioning our Being - finding new Ways by which we may live better lives.



The task of comprehensively reforming the means by which Australia is governed – and governed for the benefit of all -  is not one which has been seriously taken up by many conceptual craftspeople in Australia.


The “Republican” debate has been skilfully restricted by the ambitions of an Anglo-Australian elite to replace the English Queen Head of State with one of their one kind. This frankensteinian monster would usher in another chapter of disaster for Australia’s First Peoples.


The most likely means by which non-indigenous people will arrive at new forms of organisation is through a process of praxis involving new forms of identity on the conceptual level (on the one hand) and experiments with new forms of practice (on the other). 


One way of thinking about this is in terms of a repositioning of Being.


There is much for non-indigenous people to learn about this process from the Ways of First Peoples – these Ways are all about such considerations.


However, there is a lack of real knowledge about First Peoples actual practices both generally and professionally. Much of what is known is cast in Western terms and one is left with a feeling that something vitally important has slipped through the hand that tries to hold …